Sunday, October 19, 2003


Frothy emotions are usually not considered an Episcopalian characteristic. I heard a priest from Alabama once tell a story about a Baptist who went to his parish's adult education program one Sunday. After it was over, the man cornered the priest and started asking him pointed questions about what Episcopalian believe. Finally he asked, "Do you believe in the Second Coming." The priest needed to move on, but feeling impish, he said "Yes, but we have the good manners to not mention it."

We tend to disengage during confrontation. At my parish church today, there was no mention of the Primate's meeting in London, and only a brief reference during morning announcements where one could find copies of Bishop Cate's letter (PDF format) concerning the raucous Dallas meeting.

Despite all the tension between the ECUSA and the other provinces, I suppose it is telling that we continue to gather and sing and pray together, celebrating our community of faith. Storm clouds may be ahead, but stiff upper lip.

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