Friday, October 24, 2003


Partner and I have been preparing for that most wonderful gift, a houseguest. In Austin and in DC, houseguests were not that uncommon. And the further away one lives from friends and family, the more one looks forward to them.

I can think of only two times in DC when people we hardly knew invited themselves for a visit, and only one of those turned out to be, well, awkward. On the other hand, we got to see so many folk dear to us from the homeland.

What is it about Indianapolis that prevents friends and some family (not the one's who love us and have visited us faithfully -- if you're reading this) from coming to visit?

It's that Indy is not that exciting unless you are into sports or motor car racing (I swear, even the gay bars here are sports bars).

We offer something different. Quietness. Good neighbors who are generous in their hospitality and funny stories. Cheap living. The world's largest high school football stadium (otherwise known as the Indianapolis Motor Speedway). Places to walk.

E., a good friend when we lived in DC, now lives in Chicago. And she is coming to visit us for the weekend. Dear, sweet E. Bless your heart!

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