Monday, October 27, 2003


Did Jesus like surprises? Father Tom thinks so. Yesterday's gospel reading was about the blind man who kept calling until Jesus came over and healed him. According to Tom, Jesus often surprised people himself, and referred to earlier readings in this season where he confounded his followers with answers they had not expected.

We live our lives with default settings, assumptions based on personal experience, culture, emotions, desires and some ideals. If we really experience what Thomas Cranmer called a lively faith, we should be willing to experience surprise in ourselves and others. So much of the faith journey, we want the consolation of no surprises. This is what I believe. This is what I am comfortable believing.

Yesterday, Tom said that the difference between the disciples and the Rich Young Man, subject of an earlier lesson, was that they didn't leave. They continued on with Jesus, even if they didn't fully comprehend it.

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