Thursday, May 26, 2005

dueling roses

In my backyard, there is a bit of competition going on between the rugosas and Victoria Regnes. The rugosas are about the same color of pink, and are covered with the wild, broad petals of that simple and ancient rose. The Vs, on the other hand, have a deliciously complicated petal, and now that its long branches are filling up with opened buds, the contrast between the two are an interesting comparison.

Both have sweet smelling perfumes.

The rugosas, sadly a magnet later for japanese beetles, are an easy rose. Occasionally, I cut out dead wood, but other than that, they perform without much prodding or feeding. The V's were planted last year, and I look forward to their continued growth.

Reminds me again that I should move roses out of the front garden and put them in the back. Sun and soil is much better for them. Maybe in the fall, I will make the change.

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