Saturday, April 07, 2007

Holy Saturday

It is cold in NYC today, but not too cold. The dog and I did our walk this morning amid a fairly quiet neighborhood.

Last night, we heard a woman's voice singing, and eventually a group from a local Catholic parish walked down the middle of the street, led by a priest and acolytes, and people bearing a large wooden cross. I assume they were praying the stations of the Cross. The woman had a beautiful voice, and she was singing a folk song.

On Palm Sunday evening, an Episcopal parish came down the street, led by a priest. They sang All Gory, Laud and Honor. It was mostly young families, and there were a couple of people playing guitar.

The church across the street shut its outer bronze doors on Good Friday, the only time they do so year round. I commented to someone that I had never seen them closed and got the explanation. The church looks sealed up, and what is often an inviting place is closed. They will open again at the Great Vigil tonight, with the church lit with candles held by worshipers with fire from the Pascal Candle.

Forsythia and daffodils are blooming in the city, and a few magnolias. All else, plants and trees are bare, waiting for spring and warmer air.

1 comment:

lemming said...

You could almost make me like NYC. :-)