Friday, May 28, 2004

pleasant surprises

In our morning haunt of the garden today, Franklin and I came across hollyhocks -- at least four -- shooting up. I sort of threw them in, getting seeds out that I had collected over the past couple of years with the best of intentions. They won't bloom till next year, but I am excited about having them.

My one blooming bluebonnet has now a second level of brackets on the flower stalk. My one attempt in my DC garden never got this big. The others, not blooming yet, still look like they are doing ok. They are a long way from home.

Last night, I briefly visited a friend's house and saw something I didn't think I'd ever see here in Indy -- a very successful blue delphinium, now in its third year, blooming away, along with a smaller white delphinium. Ds and lupines are supposed to be annuals -- at best -- here in the heavy humidity and heat of Indiana. These flowers are on the western side of the house, next to the house. Quite rare for this area.

1 comment:

Don said...

Thanks for the report, Avril.

Very good point. Truly, if we are to sin, sin boldly. That's my garden motto.