Wednesday, June 28, 2006


This spring, I decided to remove several re-seeding asters, both pink and purple blooming. They're invasive, need too much pinching, and the bang at the end is not worth the trouble.

I didn't remove all of them, however. And a few I moved to a spot where the invasiveness was welcome.

This morning, I noticed that the j. beetles were chomping away on stalks of some of the remaining asters. Good. Have at them.

1 comment:

Don said...

Shelley -- how I hate the j. beetles. But not enough to poison them. I like that my garden is home to bees, birds, good instects, toads and rabbits. Of course, when any of the above start eating my plants, that good-nature touchy feely goes out the window. Still, I am not moved to dump chemicals.

My laziness, or hesitance, means I am limited to picking the darn things off the plants and squishing them. Lord,I detest the j. beetles.

Thanks for stopping by. I've missed reading your writings and pictures. I bet you have taken some great walks that we're missing out on. You're the best at the blog business.