Wednesday, June 16, 2004

anti-family, part two

Many years before, my Partner and I promised before God, family and friends, in a small but holy ceremony, our love, devotion, faithful commitment and support to each other for life.

A few years ago, Partner and I drew up our wills and living wills and powers of attorney (related to each's standing in case of the other's stay in a hospital). We also signed a private contract that gave some legal structure to our relationship. What Jennifer Lopez or Britney Spears do at the drop of a hat was quite a bit more complicated for us. But legally, we are partners.

Now the Commonwealth of Virginia, in its rush to show the world how strongly it opposes gay families, passed a law recently that would nullfy such contracts. They are not only against gay marriages, they are against any legal protections for gay families.

We are in a world of Animal House's double secret probation. You want to know why courts are looking at marriage rights? Because politicians of both parties continue to look askance at the pressing need for law to deal with the reality that gay families exist in this country.

This is particularly true of families with children.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I'm really embarassed about being a Virginian. That the same state that could have such figures as Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe could turn into something so different than they would even recogize --- and so much of what they opposed. Virginia is, I think, trying to turn into a theocracy.

It makes me ashamed.

Anonymous said...

I hate this anonymous stuff.

Mumcat (who posted the comment up there but hit the button before she remembered one has to sign these things now. )

Don said...

Mumcat -- Our founding brethren had their own problems and struggles over slavery. There's an interesting book that came out this past year over George Washington and how he moved from enthusiastic slaveowner to one who felt guilty about it and who ended up freeing the slaves that he controlled upon his death. I haven't read it but heard the author on C-SPAN and have it on my list.

I think Jefferson probably saw the contradiction in his stirring writings about liberty and the way that he lived his life.

The action in Virginia concerning gay marriage is typical of many other states right now. Perhaps these are the desparate actions of a losing side.

Unknown said...
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